Paul L. Caron

Friday, July 27, 2012

Should the IRS Adopt ReadyReturn?

Ready ReturnRebecca Valencia (J.D. 2010, Rutgers), Note, Get Ready for the Return! How to Make Filing Tax Returns More Efficient: Applying the State of California Franchise Tax Board's ReadyReturn to the Federal Tax System, 37 Rutgers Computer & Tech. L.J. 130 (2011):

This Note posits that the federal government, via the IRS, should offer an equivalent of ReadyReturn to federal income tax filers. It begins by reviewing ReadyReturn's development in California and explaining its operation within the state. It continues by examining whether ReadyReturn can be applied at the federal level and analyzing the legal implications of such a government-run tax-filing scheme. In evaluating ReadyReturn's pros and cons, the Note concludes that a national implementation of ReadyReturn would benefit both taxpayers and government in improved efficiency and compliance.

For criticism of the application of the California ReadyReturn to the IRS, see Jim Maule (Villanova):

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