Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fellowships for Aspiring Law Professors (2012 Edition)

For practitioners and others contemplating joining the law professor ranks, many law schools offer wonderful opportunities to transition into the legal academy with one- or two-year fellowships which allow you to enter the AALS Faculty Recruitment Conference (the "meat market") with published scholarship (and in many cases teaching experience) under your belt. Here are the schools with public information about their VAP programs:

For more information on becoming a law professor, including a discussion of the advantages of these fellowship programs, see:

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Fordham Law also has a VAP program.

Posted by: Robin Lenhardt | Feb 22, 2012 2:17:23 PM

How many tenure track jobs were filled in law last year. How does that number compare with the number of VAPs above?

Posted by: Kevin Outterson | Feb 15, 2012 4:05:32 PM