Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Agency Rejects GW Law Prof's Discrimination Claim Against Catholic U. Same-Sex Dorms
Following up on my prior post, GW Law Prof Sues Catholic U. to Stop Same-Sex Dorms: ABA Journal, DC Agency Tosses Law Prof’s Bias Complaint over Same-Sex Dorms, Cites ‘Absurd Results’:
George Washington University law professor John Banzhaf has lost his case contending same-sex dorms at the Catholic University of America violate discrimination laws.
The D.C. Office of Human Rights dismissed Banzhaf's complaint in an order issued Tuesday, according to a Catholic University press release and the Associated Press. Banzhaf had contended the policy violated Washington, D.C.’s Human Rights Act, which bars discrimination in employment, housing, commercial space and public accommodations.
The order says the D.C. Human Rights Act “does not forbid colleges and universities from making sex-based distinctions between students. We agree that to follow complainant’s reasoning would include a prohibition on same-sex bathrooms, locker rooms and sports teams, which would lead to absurd results.”
Banzhaf filed the complaint after university president [and former Boston College Law School Dean] John Garvey announced in a Wall Street Journal editorial that Catholic University is phasing in single-sex residence halls in an effort to reduce binge drinking and hooking up.
Amazing that the law has become so perverted that we have to celebrate common sense decisions. Amazing that one of the most liberal human rights agencies issued this common sense decision. Wondering whether Bahnzaf will file a DC court case to overturn this decision, and if so whether the liberal DC courts will overrule the agency. The battle is won but the war has not yet ended.
Posted by: eaglewingz08 | Dec 1, 2011 12:40:44 PM
Is this the same GW professor who tried to stir up Catholic U's Muslim students? What is this guy's beef with Catholic U?
Posted by: RebeccaH | Dec 1, 2011 9:39:38 AM
Does Catholic not understand the concept of same sex hook up? Or is that meant to be natural?
Posted by: Willys | Dec 1, 2011 7:16:58 AM
This is the same GW professor who claimed that Muslim students were being discriminated against at Catholic University but it turns out that none of them were complaining?
Can't Catholic University sue him for harassment or bringing frivolous lawsuits or something?
Posted by: Midwest Chick | Dec 1, 2011 6:29:16 AM
Yay! Some common sense in one DC corner. Banzhaf is a jerk. He was my torts prof at GW, which is why I completely had to relearn tort law. He has an inflated sense of self importance and grievance and no willingness to mind his own business....
Posted by: Deeg | Dec 1, 2011 2:19:18 AM
Banzhaf being fatuous? Go figure.
Posted by: mojo | Dec 5, 2011 10:23:13 AM