Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tax Cheat Sentenced to Serve ... Pizza
Starting tonight and continuing every Tuesday for the next year, the more than 100 nightly diners at the Buffalo City Mission will feast on pizza -- thanks to State Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia and a tax cheat.
Joseph J. Jacobbi, 57, operator of Casa-Di-Pizza, a popular Elmwood Avenue restaurant, was spared a jail term on his massive sales tax fraud case, but the judge Monday ordered him to deliver 12 sheet pizzas to the City Mission once a week on Tuesdays for the next 52 weeks, beginning tonight.
After Jacobbi turned over a check for $25,000 -- part of the $104,295.31 court officials said he withheld from the state between March 2004 and the end of May 2008 -- the judge ordered the weekly pizza deliveries as a form of community service.
"I will leave the choice of toppings up to you," he told the nonplussed restaurant owner.
So this guy steals over $100k from the taxpayers and he avoids any jail time? Why should anyone take the sales tax laws seriously if all you get for stealing from the trust fund is a sly grin and a quip about pizza toppings?
Posted by: Publius Novus | Oct 21, 2010 11:11:39 AM