Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tax Cheat Sentenced to Serve ... Pizza

Pizza Buffalo News, Tax Cheat Sentenced to Serve … Pizzas:

Starting tonight and continuing every Tuesday for the next year, the more than 100 nightly diners at the Buffalo City Mission will feast on pizza -- thanks to State Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia and a tax cheat.

Joseph J. Jacobbi, 57, operator of Casa-Di-Pizza, a popular Elmwood Avenue restaurant, was spared a jail term on his massive sales tax fraud case, but the judge Monday ordered him to deliver 12 sheet pizzas to the City Mission once a week on Tuesdays for the next 52 weeks, beginning tonight.

After Jacobbi turned over a check for $25,000 -- part of the $104,295.31 court officials said he withheld from the state between March 2004 and the end of May 2008 -- the judge ordered the weekly pizza deliveries as a form of community service.

"I will leave the choice of toppings up to you," he told the nonplussed restaurant owner.

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So this guy steals over $100k from the taxpayers and he avoids any jail time? Why should anyone take the sales tax laws seriously if all you get for stealing from the trust fund is a sly grin and a quip about pizza toppings?

Posted by: Publius Novus | Oct 21, 2010 11:11:39 AM

That's a sizeable sentence, no matter how you slice it.

Posted by: Woody | Oct 21, 2010 9:52:20 AM