Paul L. Caron

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oregon Gubernatorial Race Roiled by Candidate's Charitable Deduction for Donation of Home to Fire Department

Dudley Home Tax Prof Jack Bogdanski notes that a personal tax issue has emerged in the Oregon gubernatorial campaign -- Republican candidate (and former NBA player) Chris Dudley took a $350,000 charitable deduction for the donation of his 4,500-square-foot home to be burned down by a local fire department for a training exercise.  Dudley then built an 8,500-square-foot on the site.

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There is also a political question about his moving to Washington State (which has no income tax) to avoid Oregon tax on his away games while a member of the Portland Trail Blazers:

Posted by: Jack Bogdanski | Oct 7, 2010 9:12:55 PM