Paul L. Caron

Friday, August 13, 2010

Taxing Tenure

Let's Invent New Vindictive Forms of Taxation for Fun, by James Lileks:

Why not treat tenure as wealth, and tax it accordingly? Take a college professor. (Please.) Calculate how much they'll make until retirement from their permanent job. Declare it wealth. Hoover up a chunk. Write in a provision that says they'll get 47% of the amount paid (with no interest, over ten years) if they ever quit, with the remainder going to a fund to pay for college tuitions for the poor. Sit back; make popcorn; enjoy the reactions.

Obviously not going to happen, but it brings up an idea: if you wanted to irritate the raise-taxes folks with tax-hiking proposals designed to nettle and sting their tender flanks, what would you do?

(Hat Tip: Andy Morriss.)

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I am very pleased with the thought and don’t feel like adding anything in it. It a perfect blog. Tax welfare. Let the recipients see how it feels to those who are paying for it. If we taxed smugness, liberals would go broke.



Debt Relief

Posted by: Nicholas | Aug 13, 2010 10:08:04 PM

But if we did tax it we would have to allow depreciation (amortization) deductions and, presumably, revisit the nondeductibility of the educational expenditures which make it possible. A nice thought but perhaps not too realistic.

Posted by: mike livingston | Aug 13, 2010 2:32:34 PM

One more. Tax Hollywood actor wages at 90% and Barbra Streisand an additional 20% above that.

Posted by: Woody | Aug 13, 2010 12:35:12 PM

Tax welfare. Let the recipients see how it feels to those who are paying for it.

If we taxed smugness, liberals would go broke.

Posted by: Woody | Aug 13, 2010 12:25:24 PM