Friday, August 13, 2010
Taxing Tenure
(Hat Tip: Andy Morriss.)Why not treat tenure as wealth, and tax it accordingly? Take a college professor. (Please.) Calculate how much they'll make until retirement from their permanent job. Declare it wealth. Hoover up a chunk. Write in a provision that says they'll get 47% of the amount paid (with no interest, over ten years) if they ever quit, with the remainder going to a fund to pay for college tuitions for the poor. Sit back; make popcorn; enjoy the reactions.
Obviously not going to happen, but it brings up an idea: if you wanted to irritate the raise-taxes folks with tax-hiking proposals designed to nettle and sting their tender flanks, what would you do?
But if we did tax it we would have to allow depreciation (amortization) deductions and, presumably, revisit the nondeductibility of the educational expenditures which make it possible. A nice thought but perhaps not too realistic.
Posted by: mike livingston | Aug 13, 2010 2:32:34 PM
I am very pleased with the thought and don’t feel like adding anything in it. It a perfect blog. Tax welfare. Let the recipients see how it feels to those who are paying for it. If we taxed smugness, liberals would go broke.
Debt Relief
Posted by: Nicholas | Aug 13, 2010 10:08:04 PM