Paul L. Caron

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Farewell, San Diego!


I have left San Diego after seven glorious weeks to return home to Cincinnati.  This was my seventh summer teaching at the University of San Diego School of Law, my second as the Herzog Summer Visiting Professor in Taxation.  My thanks to the kind folks at USD for having me back again, and to my 78  Tax I students (including one who won $24,079 at the World Series of Poker) who worked so diligently (and laughed at most of my jokes).   It gets harder and harder each year to leave "America's Finest City" and our many friends there.

A special treat this summer was spending time with George and Barley Mundstock, who were visiting from Miami. I also enjoyed hosting, for the third summer, my late father's 85-year old girl friend and 60-year old sister.  I had a blast squiring them around San Diego. (I am told that, if this blog thing does not work out and I need a new side gig, I have a bright future as an escort for elderly women.)

But the highlight for me was spending the final two weeks with my son, who just completed his freshman year of college and a one-month internship serving in several orphanages with Back2Back Ministries in Monterrey, Mexico.  It was a great two weeks with him in San Diego, getting buff at the local Y (where I met my boyhood idol Bill Walton), taking in the local sites and attractions, seeing movies (good, indifferent, and bad), and attending a wonderful church.  The capper was my son's eagerness to serve at the local Habit for Humanity, where he logged sixty hours over the two week period (giving me the time to focus on my teaching job, which after all is the reason I am blessed to be in SoCal each summer).

Reed Caron

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Can't wait to have you at Pepperdine.

Posted by: John | Jul 29, 2010 7:03:50 AM

A few things:

Next time, dine at George's in LaJolla. Expensive, yes. Worth the money? Yep. Hell, I'll meet you there.

Get up to LA, dine from a food truck. Seriously. It's not the midwest 'roach coach' fare - it's much better. And fun.

And if I'm around, let me know you're in town, and I'll buy you a beer at the Green Flash.

Posted by: TaxHacker | Jul 28, 2010 10:04:56 PM