Paul L. Caron

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Life Changes in an Instant

Courtney It was a typical Friday morning.  My daughter had already left for high school.  Despite waking up at 5:00 a.m., I was scrambling to get out of the house to a meeting.  My wife was frantically getting ready for her weekly women's bible study.  She stepped out the back door, slipped on some ice on the step, and broke her right leg (in three places, as it turned out).

It was especially scary for us, as she already is partially disabled in that leg, as a result of a staph infection that ate away her hip joint as an infant, followed by a cup arthroplasty and several additional surgeries as a young girl.  Until Friday, she could walk with the aid of a cane and swim laps as exercise.  (Although her orthopedic surgeon advised her not to have kids, we rolled the dice and ended up with two fantastic kids and no further complications with her hip/leg.) 

The ambulance whisked her to the emergency room, as I followed in my car.  She had surgery on Saturday to insert a metal rod in her tibia, and we're hopeful that she again will be back to her old self in 6-8 weeks.

We have been blown away by the care she has received at Christ Hospital (and her husband is especially grateful for the free wi-fi). For those so inclined, we would be grateful for prayers for a speedy and successful recovery.

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Wishes for a full speedy recovery of Mrs. TaxProf!

Posted by: Kay | Feb 24, 2010 1:51:15 PM

Prayers for her recovery, and for you managing two children during her recovery!

Posted by: MochaLite | Feb 22, 2010 4:59:28 PM

Add me as another keeping all of you in my prayers. I second the Kindle motion.

It may not sound nice, but I hate icy roads and walkways (and freezing rain), and this is one example of why.

Posted by: Jim Maule | Feb 22, 2010 1:49:56 PM

Paul: may she have a complete recovery. We are all praying with your family. Sheldon

Posted by: Sheldon S. Cohen | Feb 22, 2010 1:44:20 PM

Sandy and I wish her a speedy recovery!

Posted by: Ellen Aprill | Feb 22, 2010 9:03:15 AM

Prayers on their way also in thanksgiving for the fine medical care she's receiving, and -- guessing from the picture -- retained high spirits.

Posted by: dWj | Feb 22, 2010 8:58:04 AM

Count me as one of "those so inclined". God bless you and your family.

Posted by: Wayne | Feb 22, 2010 7:14:55 AM

I will keep all of you in my prayers. It is heartening to hear you rememeber your other blessings even when bad things happen.

Many of us (I'm counting myself) start to believe that living a good life insulates us from troubles. We forget that Buddha's first law translates as "Life is hard."

Posted by: Ed D | Feb 22, 2010 6:42:33 AM

Anyone who breaks their leg on the way to Bible Study is clearly headed for Paradise (although we pray not for a very, very long time).

Posted by: mike livingston | Feb 22, 2010 6:41:35 AM

Indeed life changes in an instant. After all that pain she is still maintaining her beautiful smile.

Posted by: Huda Kebede | Feb 22, 2010 6:31:02 AM

Ah bummer.

Our hopes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

I have spent a lot of time managing orthopaedic and imaging services and the Cinci area has many really great ortho docs and hospital units. Small consolation but it helps.

Posted by: save_the_rustbelt | Feb 22, 2010 4:47:13 AM

Prayers winging your way.

Posted by: Pete Terranova | Feb 22, 2010 3:32:51 AM

Here's wishing all the best. What a fantastic opportunity to catch up on reading. I hope you buy her a Kindle.

Posted by: John Mayer | Feb 21, 2010 11:56:45 PM