Sunday, February 21, 2010
Call for Tax Book Reviews: Michigan Law Review
The Michigan Law Review publishes an Annual Survey of Books dedicated to book reviews. Book reviews are not included in any other issue of the Michigan Law Review. The Survey includes reviews of books published in the current year and the past two years. So, for example, the 2011 Survey, which will be published in April 2011, will include reviews of books published in 2011, 2010, and 2009.
The Book Review Office welcomes unsolicited submissions. Proposal guidelines can be downloaded here. Manuscripts and draft sections to accompany the proposal are appreciated. Please note that all Book Review proposals, drafts, and manuscripts must be submitted via email. Decisions for the upcoming year's issue are generally made between March and May.
Please note that we require that finished drafts be no more than 8,500 words, including footnotes.