Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Over 275,000 Federal Workers Are Tax Deadbeats

Over 276,000 federal workers and retirees owed more than $3 billion in back income taxes in 2008 (up from $2.7 billion owed in 2007).

The cabinet departments with the largest percentages of employee/retiree tax deadbeats are:

  1. Housing & Urban Development:  4.05%
  2. Veterans Affairs:  3.91%
  3. Health & Human Services:  3.86%
  4. Army:  3.76%
  5. Education:  3.60%
  6. Air Force:  3.25%
  7. Defense:  3.16%
  8. State:  3.14%
  9. Navy:  3.01%
  10. Commerce:  3.00%

The agencies and commissions with the largest percentages of employee/retiree tax deadbeats are:

  1. National Capital Planning Commission: 10.42%
  2. Advisory Council on Historic preservation:  9.26%
  3. U.S. Office of Special Counsel:  8.65%
  4. U.S. Election Assistance Commission:  8.51%
  5. Federal Labor Relations Authority:  7.20%
  6. U.S. Commission on Civil Rights:  7.14%
  7. Federal Mine Safety & Health Review Commission:  6.82%
  8. Government Printing Office:  6.29%
  9. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board:  5.33%
  10. Court Services & Offender Supervisors:  5.23%

Other departments and agencies:

  • Federal Reserve Board:  4.32%
  • U.S. House of Representatives:  4.17%
  • U.S. Senate:  3.19%
  • SEC:  2.56%
  • U.S. Tax Court:  1.43%
  • Treasury Department:  0.98% (the lowest delinquency rate among cabinet departments)

Press and blogosphere coverage:

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» Federal workers owe IRS $3 billion from Don't Mess With Taxes
As Uncle Sam looks to refill his coffers, he need look no further than his office buildings. Just released data shows that in 2008 almost 300,000 federal employees and retirees failed to pay more than $3 billion in income taxes. The tax delinquent empl... [Read More]

Tracked on Dec 15, 2009 1:41:52 PM


why not name those deadbeatsenaters??????

Posted by: NONA PREBLE | Dec 16, 2009 6:58:33 AM

If only there was some way that the federal government could have the employer hold back some of the wages to pay the past-due taxes.

Posted by: Woody | Dec 15, 2009 2:45:12 PM