Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Over 275,000 Federal Workers Are Tax Deadbeats
Over 276,000 federal workers and retirees owed more than $3 billion in back income taxes in 2008 (up from $2.7 billion owed in 2007).
The cabinet departments with the largest percentages of employee/retiree tax deadbeats are:
- Housing & Urban Development: 4.05%
- Veterans Affairs: 3.91%
- Health & Human Services: 3.86%
- Army: 3.76%
- Education: 3.60%
- Air Force: 3.25%
- Defense: 3.16%
- State: 3.14%
- Navy: 3.01%
- Commerce: 3.00%
The agencies and commissions with the largest percentages of employee/retiree tax deadbeats are:
- National Capital Planning Commission: 10.42%
- Advisory Council on Historic preservation: 9.26%
- U.S. Office of Special Counsel: 8.65%
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission: 8.51%
- Federal Labor Relations Authority: 7.20%
- U.S. Commission on Civil Rights: 7.14%
- Federal Mine Safety & Health Review Commission: 6.82%
- Government Printing Office: 6.29%
- Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board: 5.33%
- Court Services & Offender Supervisors: 5.23%
Other departments and agencies:
- Federal Reserve Board: 4.32%
- U.S. House of Representatives: 4.17%
- U.S. Senate: 3.19%
- SEC: 2.56%
- U.S. Tax Court: 1.43%
- Treasury Department: 0.98% (the lowest delinquency rate among cabinet departments)
Press and blogosphere coverage:
If only there was some way that the federal government could have the employer hold back some of the wages to pay the past-due taxes.
Posted by: Woody | Dec 15, 2009 2:45:12 PM
why not name those deadbeatsenaters??????
Posted by: NONA PREBLE | Dec 16, 2009 6:58:33 AM