Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

TaxProf Blog Passes 7,500,000 Visitor Milestone

7.5m_Page_1 This morning, TaxProf Blog passed the 7,500,000 visitor milestone, after just five years in operation.  I am proud that TaxProf Blog is the most-visited law-focused blog edited by a single law professor. I am delighted that so many tax professors and students, tax lawyers in private practice and government, accountants, and others in the tax community find this blog useful enough to make it a part of their daily professional lives.

The 7,500,000th visitor came to the site this morning at 8:51 a.m. EST from Denver, Colorado.  He/she subscribes to TaxProf Blog's RSS feed and came to the site via Google Reader.  He/she came to read yesterday's post, Toni Braxton, Foxy Brown Have Tax Troubles, stayed 30 seconds (yes, Brian), and then left via the link in the post to learn more about Ms. Brown's singing career.

I am thrilled to welcome Aspen as a sponsor, helping us to keep the blog going for at least another year.

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Congratulations. You provide a useful and collegial service at an unbeatable price. Its very much appreciated.

Posted by: Kerplunk | Jul 21, 2009 11:24:28 AM