Monday, July 6, 2009
DePaul Interim Dean Rejects Faculty's Call For His Resignation
Illinois state appellate judge Warren Wolfson, appointed by the University without any consultation with the faculty to become the law school's Interim Dean on August 15 following the University's abrupt firing of Dean Glen Weissenberger, today rejected faculty calls for him to resign in this letter:
I have considered your oral and written requests that I resign my appointment as Interim Dean of the College of Law. I respectfully decline.
You said in your letter that harm has been done to the law school's good name. If so, the best way to repair the damage is to let go of whatever has occurred and work with me to enhance the school's future.
I assure you my first and only priority as interim dean will be to build on the accomplishments I inherit and to work to elevate the law school's standing in the national legal community. I will need the wholehearted cooperation, advice, and support of the faculty. All of it. When it comes time to sleect a permanent dean the faculty will, as President Holtschneider has promised, "play a full and traditional role in the search for a new dean."
I made only one commitment when I accepted the appointment. I said I would do my best to make this a law school the students and alumni can be proud of. With your help, I will keep that promise.
Prior TaxProf Blog coverage: here, here, here, here, here, and here.