Paul L. Caron

Friday, April 3, 2009

Critical Tax Conference

The two-day Twelfth Critical Tax Conference kicks off today at Indiana-Bloomington:

The Critical Tax Conference is an annual gathering of tax law scholars who are interested in exploring tax issues from perspectives that go beyond conventional public economics analysis of taxation. The Conference features both paper presentations on a wide variety of tax topics and closed-session "incubator" discussions of early-stage research.

Here are today's panel presentations and incubator sessions:

Panel #1:  Moderator:  Mary Louise Fellows (Minnesota)

Panel #2:  Moderator:  Ajay Mehrotra (Indiana-Bloomington)

Panel #3:  Moderator: Anchana Sridhar (Indiana-Bloomington)

Incubator #1:  Sagit Leviner (Tel Aviv University, Buchmann Faculty of Law), Paid Preparer Effect on U.S. Taxpayer Compliance: An Empirical Investigation with Policy Implications

For a history of the conference, see here.

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