Paul L. Caron

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama's Pick for Chief Performance Officer Withdraws Because of Nanny Tax Issue

Nancy Killefer, President Obama's selection to be the federal government's inaugural Chief Performance Officer, withdrew her candidacy after press reports surfaced that the D.C. government had slapped a $946.69 lien on her home for nonpayment of $298 of employment taxes (plus $48.49 of interest and $600 in penalties) on her two nannies and personal assistant over an 18-month period.

Question: Why did the woman fall on her sword over a $298 back tax liability, while Tom Dasachle continues to fight for his nomination despite a $140,000 back tax liability and Timothy Geithner was confirmed despite a $31,000 back tax liability?  And, as noted this morning, why haven't Daschle and Geithner paid any penalties for their tax transgressions, as Ms. Killefer has?

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One feels that there has to be more to her tax problems than this Nanny tax issue.

Isn't it enlightening about how all of these individuals' tax problems are brushed aside by the administration and Congress? If it had been a Republican with this problem, he/she would have been crucified by the interviewing committees.....if they had gotten that far in the process.

Posted by: Cheryl | Feb 4, 2009 7:49:51 AM

Maybe, but we New Yorkers also remember Bernie Kerik.

Posted by: HMI | Feb 3, 2009 4:34:08 PM

And, as noted this morning, why haven't Daschle and Geithner paid any penalties for their tax transgressions, as Ms. Killefer has?

Why would they self-assess penalties?

Posted by: Ugh | Feb 3, 2009 1:40:41 PM

I urge the outraged to read this very sensible comment by Eugene Volokh over at the Volokh Conspiracy:

Posted by: Don Clarke | Feb 3, 2009 1:25:59 PM

I would think that most democrats are probably no better or worse than most anybody else in paying their taxes. It is just that when being nominated to a political posting in the Obama administration (well, any Presidential administration for that matter) the little things start to matter in ways that may be rather out of proportion to their importance (to otherwise ordinary people).

Posted by: Wondering | Feb 3, 2009 12:56:06 PM

Maybe she has more integrity than Daschle, who should have stepped down immediately because any idiot knows you have to pay taxes on a gift.

Geithner used the wrong part of the FICA code, that applied to foreign ambassadors, which is a perfectly understandable mistake.

Posted by: Sandy | Feb 3, 2009 12:18:08 PM

What I don't understand is, did she fail completely to pay taxes on her household help? Or did she just miss some local filing?

Posted by: y81 | Feb 3, 2009 12:02:14 PM

Daschle apparently has fallen on the sword.


Lets see which clinton retred obama picks next and what tax issues they have...

Posted by: MatrixArchitect | Feb 3, 2009 11:59:58 AM

The answer to your question about falling on her sword is most likely that there is a lot more here than has yet surfaced.

Who allows a lien to be placed on their home for a few hundred dollars? Its not as if this is something done in secret.

Posted by: Michael Markowitz | Feb 3, 2009 11:57:58 AM

Professor can you be so kind as to write a small brief for us the unwashed that we can use as a defense when we 'forget' to pay our taxes? Or are taxes only for Republicans and other 'little' people?

Posted by: cubanbob | Feb 3, 2009 11:37:31 AM

Kinda explains why they're gung-ho on raising taxes, huh?

Posted by: BD57 | Feb 3, 2009 11:29:03 AM

Is it me or do democrats seemingly hate paying taxes?

Posted by: anon | Feb 3, 2009 10:15:48 AM