Monday, November 12, 2007
You Are a Genius!
According to the Blog Readibility Test, the level of education necessary to understand this blog is the highest level -- Genius. Dan Solove (George Washington) notes the level of education necessary to understand various popular law blog, which I have supplemented below:
* Balkinization
* Becker-Posner
* Feminist Law Professors
* Legal Theory
* Brian Leiter's Law School Reports
* Start Making SenseCOLLEGE (UNDERGRAD)
* Concurring Opinions
* Conglomerate
* PrawfsBlawg
* Dorf on Law
* How AppealingHIGH SCHOOL
* Mauled Again
* Tax Policy Blog
* Tax Vox Blog
* Wall Street Journal Law BlogJUNIOR HIGH
* Above the Law
* Althouse
* Instapundit
* MoneyLaw
* Roth & Company
* The Volokh ConspiracyELEMENTARY SCHOOL
* Don't Mess With Taxes
There's a comment to Dan Solove's Blog Readability post on the "Concurring Opinions" blog that includes the following URL: URLs entered into the box at the bottom of that web page get a readability report that includes scores generated by seven readability formulae.
I plugged in my own web site,, which got a "High School" ranking on the Blog Readability Test, and got the following scores:
Kincaid: 10.8
ARI: 11.9
Coleman-Liau: 12.2
Flesch Index: 56.9
Fog Index: 13.9
Lix: 47.9 = school year 8
SMOG-Grading: 12.2
According to the info page on the site, the Flesch Index uses a 1-100 scale, with "standard English documents" averaging 60-70. SMOG-Grading and Fog Index scores are school grades.
Because Linda Beale's ataxingmatter blog wasn't included in the TaxProf Blog list, I plugged its URL into both the Blog Readability Test and and got the following results:
Blog Readability Test: Genius scores:
Kincaid: 12.3
ARI: 14.1
Coleman-Liau: 13.2
Flesch Index: 51.3
Fog Index: 15.8
Lix: 51.6 = school year 10
SMOG-Grading: 13.4
The scores for Jim Maule's mauledagain blog, which Blog Readability upgraded to "College (Undergrad)" after today's TaxProf Blog post, are:
Kincaid: 9.9
ARI: 11.1
Coleman-Liau: 11.6
Flesch Index: 62.0
Fog Index: 12.8
Lix: 44.7 = school year 8
SMOG-Grading: 11.3
Posted by: Martin B. Tittle | Nov 12, 2007 1:01:12 PM