Paul L. Caron

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Evading Tax on the Sale of Human Bodies

Odd story from the L.A. Times:  Ex-director of UCLA Cadaver Program Gets Plea Deal; Henry Reid Will Plead Guilty to Filing a False Tax Return, by Stuart Silverstein:

One of the alleged participants in a cadaver-trafficking scheme at UCLA's medical school has agreed to plead guilty to filing a false federal tax return and admitted to concealing $54,400 in income. The plea agreement announced by authorities Tuesday resolves the federal tax case against Henry Reid, an embalmer from Anaheim who directed UCLA's "willed-body" program from 1997 to 2004. ...

In the federal tax case, which was not made public until Tuesday, Reid was charged with filing a false tax return in 2002. In the plea agreement, however, he admitted that he failed to report $54,400 in income over a four-year period, from 2000 to 2003. Reid agreed to pay the federal government $24,273 in restitution.

Reid sold the bodies to a middleman, who re-sold them for over $1,000,000.  (Hat Tip:  Joe Kristan.)

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When Ben Franklin uttered his famous quote about two of the most dreaded inevitabilities we face, I'm pretty sure he never envisioned them meeting up quite this way:The former director of UCLA's Willed Body Program pleaded guilty to federal tax charges... [Read More]

Tracked on Jul 16, 2007 8:49:54 AM
