Saturday, June 30, 2007
Roger M. Groves (Florida Coastal)
- B.A. 1974, Michigan State
- J.D. 1978, Wayne State
Roger undoubtedly is the only TaxProf who played the piano at Magic Johnson's wedding and opened for Stevie Wonder. He is a former tax judge in Michigan, partner in Howard & Howard and counsel to Lewis & Munday. He teaches in the fields of federal taxation, state and local taxation, business organizations, and emerging issues in the business of sports. Prior to joining Florida Coastal, he was a visiting professor at Lewis & Clark.
Roger has provided business and tax representation of multi-national corporations, hospitals, governmental agencies, high profile individuals (e.g., Aretha Franklin, The Winans), and major college football coaches.
He has been a vice president and general counsel of a national health care distributor of sterile operating room equipment to over 600 hospitals and 125 surgery centers.
He has published the book Innocence in the Red Zone (2005), as well as numerous articles. His hobbies include playing the piano. He played at Magic Johnson’s wedding. and his college band opened for Stevie Wonder, Main Ingredient, and jazz great trumpeter Clark Terry. He has written a book on playing the piano by ear with a soulful style.
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