Friday, November 17, 2006
2006 Tax Law Journal Rankings: Tax Law Review Is #1
Washington & Lee has updated and expanded its law review rankings, which are based on citations to articles published in the past eight years (1999-2006):
- Impact Factor (citations/number of articles published)
- Citations in Law Reviews
- Citations in Cases (federal and state courts)
- Combined (weighted combination of the above rankings)
In last year's ranking of tax journals (1998-2005), the Florida Tax Review was #1 in the combined rankings, followed by the Virginia Tax Review and the Tax Lawyer.
In this year's ranking of tax journals (1999-2006), the Tax Law Review is #1 in the combined rankings, followed by the Florida Tax Review and the Virginia Tax Review:
Some observations:
- Tax Notes (#6 combined) is #1 by a wide margin in citations in law reviews (985 v. #2's The Tax Lawyer's 394), and is #2 in citations in cases, but is unranked in the Impact Factor category (citations/number of articles published). My guess is that W&L counted as "articles" all of the advance sheet material in Tax Notes, thus resulting in Tax Notes' poor showing in this category.
- A similar result befell The Tax Lawyer (#5 combined) -- #1 in citations in cases and #2 in citations in law reviews, but only #6 in Impact Factor. My guess is that W&L counted as "articles" the many student notes published in The Tax Lawyer. The top two journals (Tax Law Review and Florida Tax Review) do not publish student notes.
- The relatively new Houston Business & Tax Journal made an impressive showing in the rankings.