Friday, October 13, 2006
Which Law Prof Blogs Have the Juice?
TaxProf Blog has a 6.4 "Blog Juice Rating," determined by:
- Number of Bloglines subscribers (40%)
- Alexa rank (15%)
- Technorati ranking (30%)
- Number of inbound links via Technorati (15%)
Here are the Blog Juice Ratings for various law professor blogs:
Update #1: Steve Bainbridge notes that his blog should have a juice rating of 6.8, not the 0.8 I reported in the chart above. My 0.8 came from the url; Steve is right that the correct figure is 6.8 if you delete "typepad" from the url. My apologies.
Update #2: To make clear: I did not purport to do a systematic "Juice Ranking" of all law professor blogs. The post explicitly says that it is a ranking of "various law professor blogs." These are blogs I visit regularly. In addition, as Steve pointed out, there is a generic problem in the Juice Rankings because they depend on the url used and do not aggregate various alternative urls for some blogs.
Thanks for the link, Paul, to the juice-o-meter. I was happy to learn that Mirror of Justice ( scores a 4.6 -- putting it in pretty good company.
Posted by: Rick Garnett | Oct 14, 2006 8:19:55 AM
Steve: I ran your blog through the "juicemeter" again this morning and it came back with 0.8 again. I used the url the appears when I go to your blog ( But when I deleted "typepad" from the url, it came back 6.8.
I'll update the post.
Posted by: Paul Caron | Oct 14, 2006 6:11:43 AM
Paul: When I ran my blog, it came up with a blog juice score of 6.8. Your numbers don't add up.
Posted by: Steve Bainbridge | Oct 13, 2006 10:55:22 PM
Paul, you need treatment for your ranking fetish. Give it a rest!
Posted by: Jack Bog | Oct 13, 2006 7:16:10 PM
Paul, There is something goofy here. Legal Theory, ProfessorBainbridge and Ideoblog at the bottom of this list? I don't think so. They each must be missing one or more of the inputs, so including them on the list is pretty misleading.
Posted by: Gordon Smith | Oct 13, 2006 11:01:54 AM
I understand that "juice" might be a fun thing to measure, Paul, but the metrics used above seem to beg for further explanation. Not only are the results weird, as Gordon points out, but the inputs seem to need some explanation, and the reason the percentages are what they are. The number of bloglines subscribers seems the least relevant: I don't even use bloglines and I run a blog. (Perhaps this is an indication of my naivite, but before I saw this post, I never heard of Alexa! Woe unto me!) Wouldn't it make more sense to use the more conventional number of sitemeter pageviews or unique visitors per day? With all due respect to my friend Paul Secunda who's done a wonderful job there, Workplace Prof blog has 1/5 the readership of Prawfs or Co-Op. By that metric, the outcomes are probably quite different. I'd bet that Legal Theory blog, Leiter, Co-op and Prawfs are in the top 5-7 there. And query whether Instapundit and Althouse are even in the same blogosphere as the rest of us...anyway, just curious how these ranking metrics came to be of any significance.
Posted by: Dan Markel | Oct 16, 2006 7:21:05 AM