Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Shaviro Eulogizes David Bradford in WSJ
Daniel Shaviro (NYU) has a wonderful eulogy of David Bradford (Princeton) in today's Wall Street Journal. As noted here and here, David succumbed last week to injuries suffered in a tragic fire at his home. The essence of the piece is reflected in the first and last paragraphs:
The world lost a great economist last week, when David F. Bradford succumbed to injuries suffered in a fire. David was the father of modern consumption tax philosophy, and the most important contributor of the last few decades to serious thinking about fundamental tax reform....
Tax reformers should learn two big lessons from David Bradford as they consider the state and fate of our current income tax. First, they should start with the Blueprints cash flow tax or the X-tax if they want a serious fundamental reform plan with the potential to appeal to Republicans and Democrats alike. Second, they should emulate David's passion for analysis, not advocacy -- a stance that seems in danger these days of being totally forgotten.
Update: Dan includes on his blog a moving tribute that was omitted by the WSJ editor:
Everyone who knew David, and I was lucky to be a close colleague, will remember not only his intellectual gifts and contributions, but his unfailing warmth, enthusiasm, kindness, and joy. We will all miss him.